Swiss championship

Swiss championship


We are looking forward to the Swiss Championship in the Aula Seftigen.

Here is the link to the League Final Team:

To the final game

Double open 501 final match of the Bullshooter Swiss Championship 2023

Open 301 mo final match of the Bullshooter Swiss Championship 2023

Cup Final Final Match of the Bullshooter Swiss Championship 2023

DYP double 301 di/do final match of the Bullshooter Swiss Championship 2023

Cricket MEN final match of Bullshooter Swiss Championship 2023

Cricket Women final match of the Bullshooter Swiss Championship 2023

Bermuda final match of the Bullshooter Swiss Championship 2023

Swiss Open 501 di/do final match of the Bullshooter Swiss Championship 2023

Lucky Loser 301 mo final match of the Bullshooter Swiss Championship 2023

European Championship


The highlight of the year for us bullshooters is unfortunately already over.

But next year there will be another European Championship and again in Cap Salou.

Check out the photos and soon on youtube videos of T-Bone's diary and the marching in of the nations.

It was an unforgettable experience with many new impressions, experiences, friends, simply a great family celebration.

So, see you next year in Cap Salou!

Nati Team

For participation in the Nations Cup with the Nati team at the European Championships, one does not need an MPR cut.

So everyone is admitted to the qualifying tournaments who has a valid A.B.D.V.S. license and has played at least 16 games in 8 evenings.

In addition, one should have a valid Swiss identity document.

To qualify for the Nati team, it is mandatory to play both qualifying tournaments.